Agaricus campestris var. campestris  L. 1753
Main synonym = Pratella campestris    (L.) Gray 1821
Taxonomical Classification:  Fungi / Basidiomycota / Agaricomycetes / Agaricales / Agaricaceae
Field Mushroom, Meadow Mushroom     Faqqiegħ komuni
Further Information:
The cap is white, though may have fine scales and is 5-10 cm in diameter; it is first hemispherical in shape before flattening out with maturity. The gills are initially pink, then red-brown and finally a dark brown, as is the spore print. The 3-7 cm tall stipe is predominately white and bears a single thin ring. The taste is mild. The white flesh bruises slightly reddish; as opposed to yellow in the inedible (and somewhat toxic) Agaricus xanthodermus and similar, toxic species. Common on the Maltese islands, including open ground habitats.

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